RELYUM is participating in PILAR (Plataforma de Interoperabilidad e Inteligencia para el Lanzamiento de la 4ª Revolución industrial), an R&D project aimed to investigate and develop an interoperable, deterministic and distributed solution for connectivity, computation and artificial intelligence for the Industry.
PILAR addresses the development of solutions based on open standards to guarantee interoperability and communication between business information (IT) subsystems and physical devices (OT) involved in industrial companies. In addition, it helps to design and implement a reference model to exchange heterogeneous data efficiently.
Hardware/software nodes with real-time deterministic communication capacity will be developed that will constitute the networks of the future.
Artificial Intelligence
The project automates the development of models and controllers, as well as their deployment in the distributed computing infrastructure. It develops new smart applications and demonstrates its application to the automotive and metal industry.
In this project RELYUM has provided the Plug & Work electronic module with a suitable interface to integrate the experiments defined by the other partner companies of the project. This solution is based on RELY-TSN-PCIe NIC, based on a new high-performance embedded computing and communications architecture that support the industry’s low latency and high availability requirements.
PILAR is a project that received fundings FEDER 2014-2020 (Fondo europeo de desarrollo regional) through SPRI’s program Hazitek and cofunded by CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial).