Conciding with the start of the new year, Relyum has launched a PCIe NIC TSN kit, a key element for helping integrators to evolve their products to TSN technology. This kit is based on the MTSN switch IP core, SoC-e’s offer for any customer that requires an all-in-one solution to introduce Time Sensitive Networking in their equipment.
This kit has been designed not only to test the MTSN Switch IP, but to support an advanced hands-on TSN as well. It is composed by two RELY-TSN-PCIe boards ready to run a TSN Network setup.
The main elements included in this design are:
- PS Section: Processing System section of the SoC.
- PL Section: Programmable Logic section of the SoC.
- TSN Adapter: HDL Block in charge of implementing the Time Aware Shaper for scheduling the conventional Ethernet traffic managed by the standard regular Ethernet MAC of the Processor Section of the SoC.
- MTSN Switch IP: the kit is based on SoC-e’s IP core MTSN Switch.
The demo included in the kit is divided in several Test in order to test the effect of enabling and disabling TSN features (synchronization, shapers, etc.). The parameters of the switch for each configuration are visible and editable through a regular Web Browser.
This Kit includes:
- 2x RELY-TSN-PCIe NIC boards pre-loaded with TSN Evaluation Design
- 6x Tri-speed Ethernet Copper SFPs