The Electric sector is one of the target markets of the RELY-REC traffic recorder, as companies involved in that sector have been pushing the use of high-availability networking (HSR/PRP) and sub-microsecond synchronization (IEEE 1588 PTP) technologies like the ones supported by the device. Not in vain, the first clients that have purchased this device have been utilities and substation system integrators.
During the last three years. RELY-REC has been evolving for adapting its functionalities to the demands of these companies. As a last step in that process, Relyum is proud to announce that firmware version 20.3 is being release in December, with a significant novelty: the integration of IEC 61850 standard in the triggering tool embedded in the device.
As a first stage of this integration, the device will be able to retrieve all the GOOSE information of the susbtation architecture from an SCL file and display all the GOOSE signals available so that the user can subscribe to the ones that are under monitoring. Once the users subscribes to these signals, he will be able to define the condition that has to be met for triggering an alarm in the system: boolean condition, bad quality, etc.
For more information about this feature, see document:
Technical News: RELY-REC GOOSE alarm 20.3