CDIIF and Electronica China – Hongke presents RELYUM TSN solutions
//CDIIF and Electronica China – Hongke presents RELYUM TSN solutions

CDIIF and Electronica China – Hongke presents RELYUM TSN solutions

In the last month, the Chengdu International Industry Fair (CDIIF) and the Electronica China fair were hold in China. These events took place in trade fairs hall in Chengdu and Shanghay respectively.

As one of the largest and most influential industry fairs worldwide, Chengdu International Industry Fair (CDIIF) chooses Chengdu – the important manufacturing base and strategic region of China, is created to serve the needs of China’s industry upgrading and transformation. CDIIF is dedicated to display the future look of the industry, put focus on China intelligent manufacturing. The product categories include: process automation, machine vision, industrial robots, new generation of information and digital factory solution, metal working and laser equipment, industrial components and new material etc. CDIIF is going to be the interpretation of how innovative technologies helping the development of industrial products and value chain.

When it comes to Electronica China, it is the only event of its kind to showcase the entire range of electronic components—from technologies and components to specific application fields. The product categories in this fair include: displays, micro and nanosystems/sensors, automotive technology, test and measurement, switch and interconnection technology, power supplies and PCBs, other circuit carriers/EMS.

Hongke highlighted the standard’s technological aspects as well as Application-specific topics relevant in the various markets/industries in which our TSN solutions could fit. With Time Sensitive Networking – TSN – standard Ethernet is extended to deliver great time synchronization and worst-case latency for applications that require robust, deterministic connectivity. TSN has broad impact especially in application areas like Industrial, Automotive and Aerospace.

Different customer use-cases with RELYUM’s TSN solutions were shown!


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By | 2022-01-10T10:53:40+01:00 April 28th, 2021|Relyum|0 Comments

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