RELYUM by SoC-e shipped the first RELY-MIL-TIME-SERVER production units to one of the largest EU Military naval programs.
RELY-MIL-TIME-SERVER is a MIL-STD-810G & MIL-STD-461G certified product that embeds the latest timing, networking, and security technology.
This new concept of all-in-one rugged Edge computing device serves secure accurate timing distribution (PTP, NTP, GNSS), high-bandwidth and high-availability Ethernet switching and L2/L3 Cyber-security services.
The heart of this equipment is a Xilinx Ultrascale+ MPSoC device powered by SoCe field-proven Hardware IP cores for PTP and low-latency Ethernet networking (10G, TSN, HSR/PRP).
Visit RELY-MIL-TIME-SERVER‘s webpage to know more about this product.
About us
Relyum by SoC-e provides added value end-equipment for critical sectors, like Electric, Industrial, Railway and Aerospace&Defence.